Discretionary & Unit Trusts
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Deed of Retirement & Appointment of Trustee & Appointor & Removal of Beneficiary
A Deed of Retirement & Appointment of Trustee & Appointor & Removal of Beneficiary is a legal document used in Trust Law to outline changes in the structure and management of a trust. It typically involves the resignation of a Trustee or...
Special Disability Trust Deed
The purpose of a Special Disability Trust is to assist carers and immediate family members to make private financial provision for the care and accommodation needs of a family member with severe disability and receive means test concessions. It...
Deed Affirming Unit Trust Deed where signatures not witnessed
Minutes of Meeting - Resignation of a Director
This Ordinary Resolution is used when a Director is resigning from their position. When a director is looking at resigning it is important to ensure that they follow the formalities. If formalities are not followed, for example, if the company becom...
Minutes of Meeting - Ordinary Resolution - Cancellation of Units and Application for units in the Company Unit Trust
This document is used for Cancellation of Units and Application for units in the Company Unit Trust.
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