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Still, below you can have a random list with 5 of our Learning Centre articles.

Guide to Cancelling Units and Issuing New Units In a Unit Trust

This guide is useful where you want to avoid transferring units and prefer to cancel them and then issue new units. It is always wise to get accounting advice, unless you are actually an accountant and know what you’re doing already!

Present Use of the property

If the present use is not lawful under the relevant town planning scheme as at the contract date and this has not been disclosed in the contract then you may be able to terminate the contract at any time before settlement.It is not possible to know w...

Tips for selling your business


Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 46 - Grounds for Opposition to Registration or Protection

Opposition is a formal objection by a third party to registration of a trade mark or to protection of an International Trade Mark Designating Australia (IRDA). Any person may oppose but the opponent is generally a person who will be in some way affec...

Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 39 - Registration of a Trade Mark

Registration represents the successful end-point for an application for registration of a trade mark that has been accepted.  In a legal sense, registration gives the owner the right to use, license, or sell the mark within Australia for the goo...

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Lord Mayor's Award 2019

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