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Indigenous Souvenirs and Artwork - Avoid Making False and Misleading Claims

Australia’s marketplace law, the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), exists to protect consumers from unfair trading practices. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is responsible for administering and enforcing the ACL in Queensland. Under the ACL, it is ill...

Your Consumer Rights - A Guide to Consumers with Disability

The Australian Consumer Law Under the Australian Consumer Law, if you buy something and there is a problem with it, you have the right to take it back and ask the business to fix the problem. The same applies if you pay for a service and it is not pr...

A Guide to the Australian Consumer Law - For Fundraising and Other Activities of Charities, Not-for-Profits and Fundraisers

The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is the national law for fair trading and consumer protection, which applies across Australia, which came into force on 1 January 2011. The Australian Consumer Law provides a range of specific obligations in relation...

Avoiding Unfair Business Practices

These guides explain the law in simple language but are not legal advice or a definitive list of situations where the law applies and include examples of the ACL’s application by Australian Consumer Protection regulators and by Australian courts. It...

Sales Practices

This guide will help businesses and legal practitioners understand the sales practices requirements of the Australian Consumer Law. The guide covers unsolicited supplies, unsolicited consumer agreements (door-to-door and telemarketing), lay-by agreem...

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