Drug Offences
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Warning signs when doing due diligence on a business

When buying a business, there are many things to consider and review to ensure you are uncovering any skeletons or issues. Generally, the seller will be quite helpful with any information required as they want the sale to go ahead, however make sure...

What should be in an employment contract


Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 4 - Fees

Part 4 of the Trade Mark Examiners Manual discusses the fees payable to IP Australia upon application and various other points of the registration process. It discusses refunds and waivers, dishonoured cheques and electronic transfers.

Sales Practices

This guide will help businesses and legal practitioners understand the sales practices requirements of the Australian Consumer Law. The guide covers unsolicited supplies, unsolicited consumer agreements (door-to-door and telemarketing), lay-by agreem...

My trademark is on it

If you print your logo on items such as cups, tshirts, etc but you only use those items in your business and don't sell the items, you may not need IP protection for them. I.e. if you're an accountant, you would only need to claim for your Accountin...

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Lord Mayor's Award 2019

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