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Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 55 - Costs

Where a party is unsuccessful at a hearing, an award of costs may be made so that the winning party is compensated for some of the loss they have suffered in having to bring the action. This is dealt with in Part 55 of the Trade Mark Examiner's Manu...

General exceptions to Transfer Duty

Your transaction may also be exempt from transfer duty if:(1) the contract is terminated or comes to an end;(2) it is a transfer pursuant to a Family Court order, maintenance agreement or binding financial agreement;(3) it is a transfer between de fa...

Next steps once you’ve signed a property contract


How do Guarantees work?

Often, when applying for an unsecured small business loan, you are required to provide a personal guarantee of the loan, either in full or part.A personal guarantee is unsecured, which means it is an amount not tied to any specific asset such as your...

Consumer Product Safety

It explains the law in simple language but is not legal advice or a definitive list of situations where the law applies. Under the Consumer Law, people or businesses who purchase products or services have the same protections, and businesses have the...

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Lord Mayor's Award 2019

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