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What is bankruptcy & how does it work?

Bankruptcy is a legal process that gives a financial fresh start. Thousands of Australians choose to go bankrupt each year by voluntarily filing a debtor’s petition. This factsheet outlines the basics of how bankruptcy works.What is bankruptcy? Bank...

Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 7 - Withdrawal of Applications, Notices and Requests

Part 7 of the Trade Mark Examiners Manual provides the process to be followed by examiners for withdrawal of trade mark applications, notices and requests. The step by step guide will help you ensure nothing is missed, everything is in writing and s...

Guide to the Electricity Retail Code

The Competition and Consumer (Industry Code—Electricity Retail) Regulations 2019 (the Code) came into force on 1 July 2019. The Code is binding on all electricity retailers that supply electricity to small customers in the applicable distribution reg...

Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 28 - Honest Concurrent Use, Prior Use and Other Circumstances

Part 28 of the Trade Mark Examiner’s Manual notes that applications may be accepted in the face of conflicting trade marks, where there was "honest concurrent use" of the trade mark as well as "other circumstances", i.e. two parties unknowingly using...

What you need to know about PPSR


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