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How do I apply for international trademarks?
In 2001, Australia became a signatory to the Madrid Protocol, which covers international registration of trade marks and provides protection against registration of similar trade marks amongst all 97 countries registered under the Protocol. Therefore...
Design Application Form - Instruction Sheet
The Application Form - Instruction Sheet explains how to apply for a Design to be registered and the process to follow. It also discusses the Statement of Newness and Distinctiveness which may be of benefit to your application but is optional.
Is Brisbane about to tank?
In this article Rose Litigation discuss the apparent oversupply of property in the Brisbane market and what they are seeing in the construction industry cases. Some involved delay costs being passed on by developers to builders, and then the builder...
Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 60 - The Madrid Protocol
The Madrid Protocol is a treaty providing for the international registration of trade marks. It is administered by the International Bureau (IB) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). By filing a single application (called an interna...
Trade Mark Examiners Manual - Part 24 - Disclaimers
A disclaimer is a limitation of the exclusive rights given by registration to use and authorise the use of a trade mark and this is looked at in Part 24 of the Trade Mark Examiner's Manual. In general terms the owner of a registered trade mark has no...
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