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10 Critical steps to take when buying a franchise

So you’ve decided to become a franchisee. That’s great news but let’s take a look at the top 10 things you need to do when buying a franchise:(1) Make sure you have given proper consideration to why you want to be a franchisee. Are you just bored i...

What is the difference between Franchising and Licensing?

Many people tend to use the terms Franchising and Licensing interchangeably but they are quite different for several reasons. Often people think licensing has all the advantages of franchising but without the cost or regulation, but this is not corr...

Retail Shop Leases – Lease Assignment

The Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 (“the Act”) introduces certain requirements regarding the assignment of retail shop leases. Therefore, it is crucial for both the landlord and the tenant to understand their rights and obligations in the assi...

Retail Shop Leases - Lease Renewal

The Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 (“the Act”) introduces certain notice and disclosure requirements regarding the renewal of retail shop leases. Therefore, it is crucial for both landlord and tenant to understand what they need to do in the r...

Retail Shop Leases - Landlord Tips

The Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 (“the Act”) affords extra protection to the tenant in a retail shop lease situation. We have summarised some of the landlord’s rights and obligations below. To adequately protect your interests before leasing...

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