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How long do trademarks take to register?

The trade mark registration process can be completed within 7 months, provided there are no issues during the examination process conducted by IP Australia. A brief breakdown of the application to registration process is as follows.In the Initial Exa...

How do I apply for international trademarks?

In 2001, Australia became a signatory to the Madrid Protocol, which covers international registration of trade marks and provides protection against registration of similar trade marks amongst all 97 countries registered under the Protocol. Therefore...

What if someone else is using my registered trademark?

In circumstances where a trademark is in danger of being infringed, it is important to take decisive action and enforce your property rights to avoid losing commercial value. If you suspect your intellectual property has been infringed, you should co...

Cease and desist letters for breaching trademark rights?

A cease and desist letter, or letter of demand, is a written document communicating to person that the sender considers their legal rights are being infringed and that the person must immediately “cease and desist” from such actions. These letters of...

How does copyright work?

If you’re a business owner, an academic, artist or creative in some way, there’s a good chance that you may well be the owner of original copyright which affords you protection against others using or infringing that copyright in certain circumstance...

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