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Small Business Collective Bargaining - Notification and Authorisation Guidelines

The Small business collective bargaining guidelines were drafted by ASIC in December 2018 to help businesses understand what they can and cannot do when negotiating. Small businesses, including agribusinesses, can sometimes be better off negotiating...

Commercial Construction Unit

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is currently prioritising anti-competitive conduct in commercial construction markets and has established a Commercial Construction Unit (CCU) focused on the construction sector. The CCU is a...

Guide to the Electricity Retail Code

The Competition and Consumer (Industry Code—Electricity Retail) Regulations 2019 (the Code) came into force on 1 July 2019. The Code is binding on all electricity retailers that supply electricity to small customers in the applicable distribution reg...

Consumer Guarantees - A Guide for Consumers

When you buy goods or services and they break too easily, don’t work or don’t perform as generally expected, you have rights under the law. In this booklet you will find answers to some of the questions most commonly asked by consumers, such as wha...

Consumers with Disability - Where to go for Advice or Complaints

It’s OK to speak up or complain Governments and service providers have a role to play in supporting people with disability. There are different services available for advice or help depending on the issue. This fact sheet will help you find the right...

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Lord Mayor's Award 2019

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