Business Purchase/Sale
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Deed of Retirement & Appointment of Trustee & Appointor & Removal of Beneficiary
A Deed of Retirement & Appointment of Trustee & Appointor & Removal of Beneficiary is a legal document used in Trust Law to outline changes in the structure and management of a trust. It typically involves the resignation of a Trustee or...
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement for Multiple Parties - Mutual (NDA)
When entering into discussions with another person about an idea you have, or perhaps when selling your business, or engaging someone to coach you in your business, you need to ensure you're protecting your intellectual property and trade secrets.Thi...
Simple Loan Agreement - for lending money
You can use this simple loan agreement for any type of loan from one person or entity to another person or entity. It covers the important items like the amount of the loan; the interest rate and any default interest rate that might apply...
Application for Units in Unit Trust
This Precedent is used when Applying for Units in Unit Trust.
Minutes of Meeting - Ordinary Resolution - Application for Units in Unit Trust
This precedent is a template resolutions of directors of company applying for units in unit trust.
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