Business Strategy
Create a Document (QLD)
Given the laws change from State to State, ensure the State noted above is where you need the document prepared for. You can choose the type of field of law you need help with on the left or if you know what you want, just use the search bar.
Client Services Agreement - Consultancy Services
When agreeing to perform consultancy services for a person or business, it is important to document the agreement between you to avoid confusion between the parties. You also want to avoid you not getting paid or doing more work than the Client was e...
Partnership Deed - Domino's Pizza
A partnership deed is an agreement that covers the rights and obligations of each partner related to the running of a business. This deed has been created for Domino's Pizza franchises, if you are not a Domino's Pizza franchise, this document would n...
Business Introducer & Affiliate Deed
When you make an agreement with another person or business (the “Introducer”) to introduce people to your business in exchange for payment of some sort (“Service Fee”), you should write your agreement down in a Business Introducer Deed, so everyone i...
Application for Units in Unit Trust
This Precedent is used when Applying for Units in Unit Trust.
Minutes of Meeting - Ordinary Resolution - Application for Units in Unit Trust
This precedent is a template resolutions of directors of company applying for units in unit trust.
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